Spinn Blend Dark

Spinn Blend Dark


284 reviews

Los Angeles, CA

Spinn Blend Dark
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Spinn Blend Dark is designed for those who prefer a bolder flavor in their coffee. Excellent for espresso and cold brew.









Fully Washed



Notes from the curator

Spinn Blend Dark is ideal for those who prefer a bolder coffee experience. It makes a chocolatey espresso or a drip coffee perfect to pair with milk. For the person who enjoys Starbucks or Peets.

More about Spinn

Introducing our very own blend, the perfect companion to your Spinn coffee experience. This is a roast designed to please a plethora of palettes to explore every style of coffee the Spinn can brew. Scan the bag to get the recipes Spinn created for this special blend.


284 Customer Reviews

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null avatarSimple perfection

This should be in the dictionary under "dark roast" its simple chocolate notes are exactly what you want from a dark roast, and not a thing more. It won't surprise you, and that is its strength!

by Spinn Customer
Eric Kazmierczak avatarSpinn Dark Roast

Not as bitter as some dark roast blends, fairly smooth with, what I found to be an even flavor.

by Eric Kazmierczak
null avatarSpinn Blend 2

Honestly didn’t love it…Each cup I hoped my opinion would change but it just didn’t. I’m getting a sour taste.

by Spinn Customer
Kyle Kasten avatarnot my favorite, hard to drink

Not sure if I got a bad batch, but each cup was difficult to swallow and enjoy.

by Kyle Kasten
Charles Ward avatarVery disappointed.

Got my Spinn a few weeks ago and have been greatly enjoying it with a bag of Kirkland French Roast. Put in bag of Spinn Blend Dark and am not impressed. It’s unpleasantly sour and doesn’t even give the impression of being a dark roast. Definitely would not buy again and really don’t understand all the rave reviews I see here. And yes I updated the Spinn for the new bag

by Charles Ward
Angel Gonzalez avatarSpinn dark roast coffee

Well...It ain't like Pikes Place Starbucks coffee. Kinda has a sour after taste and really didn't like it.

by Angel Gonzalez